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Everything a witch should know 

(n.) the journey of changings one's mind
          heart, self, or way of  life; spiritual                                        conversion


[ meh-ta-noy-ah] . Greek



Before you read the rest of the slides below you must read this one first. This is crucial. If you are a baby witch diving into magick protecting yourself has to be your first number one priority. Magick is all intentions yes, it doesn't matter how pure and light your intentions are not all energies out there are all love and light. When you tap into witchcraft and these powerful energies you need to be prepared for what you might feel, see, discover, and learn. Don't let this spook you. All witches should be doing this, even the most powerful. I'm going to teach you how to ward, cleanse, cast circles, all the herbs and crystals and colors and items you'll need that will help you make sure nothing can affect your energies day to day. You need to make sure your energies are cleansed and purified. You will learn how to protect yourself, others, your space, your entire house, get rid of tricksters, and vet. Please take this as serious as it sounds but again don't let it spook you! Confidence is key. If you become spooked you are more vulnerable. Blessed be!

Herbal Magick

Slide for different types of magickal herbs and to learn their properties. All of these herbs are ones I had a hard time finding and ones that are very useful in my crafting when it comes to spells or using for every day witchery! 

Crystals! and

their properties

Slide for different types of magickal crystals and to learn their properties. Crystals are great way to get in tune with gaia and to get to know universal energies along with your own.  

Fae Folk 


Wanna work with the fae but have now idea where to start? these slides will give you everything you need to know to become close with the fae and to include them in your 

magickal practices. 




Tap into the universal elements by becoming in tune with nature. Learn all about each element and how to connect with them  and add them into your magcik practices! 

Cosmic Magick

Cosmic Magick is by far one of my favorite ways to connect with the universal energies. You can easily connect with the cosmos by understanding each energy of each planet. You can use this knowledge for powerful spell work and manifestation. In these slides you will learn different herbs, crystals, elements and deities associated with each planet. Connecting with cosmic energies will deeply strengthen your abilities and magick.  
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